Web3 Platforms Inc

What Are We Building?

Our Mission

Our mission is to make the world transparent through verification.

What Problem Are We Solving?

The internet was built without an identity layer. You don’t always know who you are talking to online. This limits what we trust and at worst, exposes us to danger.

Every product today needs to be built with trust, authenticity and safety at its core. With authenticity, existing social networks and products focus on identity. e.g. is this a real person?

Verifying identity is important, but verifying the underlying attributes about a person (eg. their success, achievements, membership of a specific community, claims) is higher value.

What's The Solution?

Our mission is to make the world more transparent through verification. The solution is to build a verified people graph and make it transparent. The verified people graph creates a safe space. Here, people connect, share and transact where they otherwise wouldn’t. Making it discoverable unlocks opportunities for people where trust is important.

What Will We Build?

We see a world where verified attributes get you instant access to the most meaningful verified communities. We’re incubating several apps. These apps will enable people to meet others. They'll provide safe spaces for pseudonymous but verified discussions. They will allow people to find out what people think of them. We're exploring many other verified community use cases.

Our Investors?

We are lucky to be backed by amazing VCs and individuals who hold key leadership positions at some of silicon valley's biggest companies, and we are extremely thankful for their support and investment.

How to Apply?